Better World Books ( is a for-profit, socially conscious business and a global online bookseller that collects and sells new and used books online, matching each purchase with a book donation. Each sale generates funds for literacy and education initiatives in the U.S., the UK, and around the world. Since its launch in 2003, Better World Books has raised $35 million for libraries and literacy, donated over 38 million books, and reused or recycled more than 475 million books.

The Jamaica Library Service was established in 1948 and provides, under the Ministry of Education and Youth, a Library Service free to the public and to schools island-wide. The organization is managed at two levels through a Central Library Board and a local Committee in each Parish.

The Jamaica Library Board is the central statutory body responsible for the island policy and the management and control of a coordinated library service. Similarly, the committee in each parish network provides oversight to the operations in each network.  The organization provides library coverage through an administrative headquarters in Kingston and a network of 111 public libraries, 285 mobile library stops and 898 school libraries throughout the thirteen (13) parishes which are divided into six regions that are aligned to the regional structure of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.